Mastery Course

مخصوص متخصصان

Once you can assess skill, then you can work on increasing it

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There are three category of methods to improve programming skills: more practice, more feedback, and knowing “Expert Level” techniques to know. More practice, Perhaps you’ve heard of the famous study of two groups of potters, one tasked with making great pots and the others with as many pots as possible. In the end, the group focused on quantity created higher quality pots too. As a craft, coding gets better with more experience. So anyones looking to get better should find as many opportunities to code as they can. More feedback, The subjective assessment of one’s skill as an programmer is one of the best accelerators of growth. Thankfully, software development has a built-in method to deliver that feedback: code reviews. students in the journey of coding should treat code reviews with the highest reverence—prioritizing code review time over new coding, recognizing great code reviewers, setting up the time and structure for proper reviews. Take your step correctly rather than taking many steps wrong! “Expert Level” techniques, To master programming in any language you need to familiarize yourself with tips and expert level techniques that can help you write code more faster and efficient. In this class we learn these techniques and try to master them as we go on

سرفصل های دوره Mastery پایتون – آنچه در این دوره خواهید آموخت


Examine Lambda functions in depth

Advance OOP

Advance OOP & SOLID principles

Intro to Mastery

Mastery Course intro, Prerequisites


Optimize code writing & Clean Code – Working with APIs

Important Libraries

Comprehensions & Closures – Vulture & Shelve Libraries


Examine Regular expressions in depth

AI & Git

AI coding assistants – Version Control with local git and GitHub

Meta Programming & C

Meta Programming & C_extentions & modules in Python

همیشه در مورد تکنیک برنامه نویسی نیست!

زبان برنامه نویسی پایتون در طیف گسترده ای از سناریوها کدنویسی مانند اسکریپت نویسی شل، اتوماسیون وظایف، طراحی بازی و توسعه وب ساخت اپ های موبایل، تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها، داده کاوی و یادگیری ماشین دارای عملکرد خوبیست. در کنار مهارت های فنی که باید برای برنامه نویسی در پایتون یاد بگیرید، اما گاهی اوقات حل مشکلات به برنامه نویس و مهارت های حل مسئله برمی گردد. تلاش ما این است که در کنار یادگیری فنی، مهارت های حل مسئله را نیز در دوره ها بیاموزید و نکات تجربی مهم را فرا بگیرید.

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